The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Bertrand Russel

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Compilation of the Heart - A Stone in a Universe of Pebbles and Stones

Today, while we were walking around the lake, [...] the man who was with me [...] threw a pebble into the water. Small circles appeared where the pebble fell, which grew and grew until they touched a duck that happened to be passing and which had nothing to do with the pebble. Instead of being afraid of that unexpected wave, he decided to play with it. [...]
Some hours before that scene, I went into a cafe, heard a voice, and it was as if God had thrown a pebble into that place.
The waves of energy touched both me and a man sitting in a corner painting a portrait. He felt the vibrations of that pebble, and so did I. […]

There is a name for that pebble: passion.
It can be used to describe the beauty of an earth-shaking meeting between two people, but it isn't just that. It's there in the excitement of the unexpected, in the desire to do something with real fervor, in the certainty that one is going to realize a dream. Passion sends us signals that guide us through our lives, and it's up to me to interpret those signs.
Paulo Coelho – Eleven Minutes