The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.

Bertrand Russel

Monday, December 30, 2013

Compilation of the Heart - Stars scream

~ We come spinning out of nothingness,  
  scattering stars like dust. ~
 Scattering our Dreams...

~ We all walk in a land of dreams. For what are we but atoms and hope,
a handful of stardust and sinew? We are weary travelers
trying to find our way home on a road that never ends.
Am I a part of your dream? Or are you but a part of mine? ~

Libba Bray

Calling your name back at the night sky.

[Dust-heart on my satellite receiver. Found it while dusting. And no, it wasn't that filthy as it looks, I just had to edit the picture a lot.]